Saturday, September 19, 2015

Fight Stress with Yoga.

After having learnt Surya namaskara, today we will be discussing five other yoga poses that you can include in your yoga practice. The five asanas we will be discussing are: Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Veerabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1), Veerabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) and Kandharasana (Bridge Pose).

Suggested Routines:

  • Start your practice with Padmasana followed by twelve to fifteen rounds of surya namaskara and then, the other four asanas. End your practice with Shavasana (Corpse Pose).
  • Start your practice with Padmasana followed by the other four asanas and then, practice twelve to fifteen rounds of surya namaskara. End your practice with Shavasana (Corpse Pose).

For details on how to do these asanas, take a look at the video:

Having discussed the flow of the routine, let us now take a look at the benefits of these asanas:

Padmasana (Lotus Pose):

NOTE: If you are a beginner, please keep in mind your flexibility and attempt this asana. If you are not flexible enough, start off with either Sukhasana (Easy Pose) or Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose).

Padmasana is a crossed leg pose which helps in calming your mind and relives various physical ailments. This asana also helps in strengthening your legs and can be noted as one of the physical benefits. You can deepen your meditation while in Padmasana by associating a mudra. Mudras are various positions formed by our palms and fingers and these postures help in stimulating the flow of energy in our body. 


  • ·        Calms and relaxes your mind
  • ·        Helps in digestion
  • ·        Helps in bringing your blood pressure in control
  • ·        Extremely helpful for women who suffer menstrual discomfort

Kandharasana (Bridge Pose):

Note: If you are suffering from hernia or any kind of neck pain or injury, avoid performing this asana.
This asana helps in building shoulder strength and is excellent for correcting most of the vertebral disc problems. It is also an amazing asana for strengthening and toning your abdomen. This asana is very beneficial for the ladies as it helps in strengthening the reproductive organs and reduces menstrual discomforts. However, do not practice this asana if pregnant.


  • ·        Excellent for toning of the abdomen
  • ·        Increases shoulder strength
  • ·        Helps in reducing back ache
  • ·        Reduces menstrual discomforts
  • ·        Strengthens female reproductive organs

VeeraBhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1):

Note: If you have high blood pressure, knee pain or arthritis, please do not practice this asana. 

This is a wonderful asana to strengthen arms, thighs and shoulders. This asana is named after a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Lord Shiva.

  • ·        Strengthens lower back
  • ·        Helps in increasing stamina
  • ·        Improves body balance
  • ·        Strengthens arms, shoulders and also helps in relieving stress from your shoulders
  • ·        Helps in strengthening thighs
  • ·        Improves flexibility

Veerabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2):

Note: If you have high blood pressure, knee pain or arthritis, please do not practice this asana. 

This is a wonderful asana to strengthen arms, thighs and shoulders. This asana is named after a fierce warrior and incarnation of Lord Shiva.

  • ·        Strengthens lower back
  • ·        Helps in increasing stamina
  • ·        Improves body balance
  • ·        Strengthens arms, shoulders and also helps in relieving stress from your shoulders
  • ·        Helps in strengthening thighs
  • ·        Improves flexibility
  • ·        Helps in toning your abdomen

Trikonasana (Triangle pose):

Note: Do not practice this asana if you are suffering from migraine, diarrhea, neck or back injuries and high or low blood pressure.

Trikonasana is excellent to improve body balance. Unlike most of the asanas, the triangle pose requires you to keep your eyes open while practicing it. It requires focus and helps in improving body co-ordination.

  • ·        Reduces stress and anxiety
  • ·        Improves digestion
  • ·        Decreases back pain, if any
  • ·        Strengthens legs, knees, ankle and arms
  • ·        Improves body co-ordination
  • ·        Improves chest, shoulder and spine flexibility
  • ·        Strengthens and opens hips, hamstrings and groins

Practice yoga at least two to three times a week and you will see the results in no time. It is not only a good workout but, also helps in calming and relaxing your mind. Do give these asanas a try and let me know how it helped you. :)

Happy practicing! <3

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